Parameter Options

The parameters to identify the interactions refer to those used in PyPLIF, which inspired by the IFP of Marcou and Rognan. These parameters can be modified in .hippos/ in your home directory after HIPPOS installed.

In general there are two rules that can be modified:

  1. Maximum distance value.

  2. Interaction angle limit (for hydrogen bond and aromatic interaction).

Here is the content of .hippos/

    Parameter for interaction distance
    Interaction exist if lower or equal
    than these values

HYDROPHOBIC         = 4.5
AROMATIC            = 4.0
HBOND               = 3.5

    Parameter for minimum H bond angle.
    Interaction exist if O --- H-D angle
    higher or equal than HBOND_ANGLE value.

HBOND_ANGLE     = 135

    Parameter for aromatic interaction angle.
        Face to Face if:
    AROMATIC_ANGLE_LOW >= Angle between aromatic plane
    Or AROMATIC_ANGLE_HIGH <= Angle between aromatic plane
        Edge to Face if:
    AROMATIC_ANGLE_LOW < Angle between aromatic plane <


The explanation of each value can be seen from the comment above the value assignment.

Simplified Bitstring Rule

HIPPOS provides simplified interaction bitstring to reduce unnecessary string in the output. The bitstring simplification rule can be seen in the table below. Number 1-7 in the header of the table correspond to the interaction type described in PyPLIF

1 Correspond to Hydrophobic
2 Correspond to Aromatic Face to Face
3 Correspond to Aromatic Edge to Face
4 Correspond to H-bond (protein is donor)
5 Correspond to H-bond (protein is acceptor)
6 Correspond to Electrostatic (protein +)
7 Correspond to Electrostatic (protein -)
AA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ALA - - - - - -
CYS - -
- - -
ASP - - - -
GLU - - - -
PHE - - - -
GLY - - - - - - -
ILE - - - - - -
LYS - - - -
LEU - - - - - -
MET - - - - - -
ASN - -
- -
PRO - - - - - -
GLN - - - -
ARG - -
- -
SER - - - -
THR - - - -
VAL - - - - - -
TRP - - - -
TYR - - -